Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Bit More Than a Baby Wipe

I wanted to pass along this cheap-o way of making hand sanitizing wipes that are easy on the skin, too. I buy cheap baby wipes, to begin with. Place in a strong "ziplock" bag, then I add vitamin E, (squeeze a caplet or buy a bottle of the stuff)to a stack of wipes about 2 inches deep, pour in alcohol, 1-2 TBS will do. You can add extra protection and fragrance by dropping a few drop of essential oil. I like tea tree of lavender. (These oils have germ killing properties, however, they are good for your skin, too. The alcohol is sufficient to kill germs in it self. After adding all of the ingredients to the bag, squeeze all of the air out as you zip it closed. Next, you want to mix the contents by "squishing" it around inside the bag.

I discovered that the airline travel zip locking bags last a very long time without leaking.

You can make your own wipe from soft paper towel and start from scratch. I'll try and post that recipe, also.

I carry my wipes in my purse and use them on anything from grandkids to shopping buggies!

*Note: When working with "EOs" (essential oils) be sure that you don't put them directly on your skin. Always use a carrier oil, (our vit. E is the carrier in this recipe)and work in an open space or vented area.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Shank That Button!





Why not just stitch on a button? Why take the time to sew it on with the shank method? This is important for stress and assures your button stays attached longer.

Here's how: 1) Put a kitchen size match, or something comparable, under the button, 2) then stitch as normal; 3) remove the match stick, do not cut the thread, but come up through the fabric as if you are going to take another stitch through the button eye, instead, wrap the thread around and around the loops of thread that is between the button and fabric; 4) do a finishing stitch at the base of the shank, which you just created, cut thread. Viola! You have just made a shank for your button and assured that your button stays attached for a very long time.
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